On Andre Iguodala's right shoulder is a sheaf of feathers. The tattoo was added during the all star break in 2015, as seen on his twitter account:
Prior to February 2015, his arm carried a portrait of Iguodala, holding a basketball, standing in front of the capital dome of his hometown, Springfield Illinois. The city's name was also at the top of the design, as seen in this photo from 2005:
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Iguodala had been regretting that tattoo for awhile, as seen in a 2010 video by Playmaker Media. The video opens with Iguodala explaining that he plans on keeping the two tattoos on his wrist, of his mother's name:
but that he planned on having the two on his arms removed. He discusses the portrait on his right arm, explaining that he got it when he was eighteen years old. He then shows the tattoo on his left arm, his initials surrounded by flame:
He explains that he designed that one himself, and the interviewer pushes back - "you designed it yourself and you're still going to remove it?" to which Iguodala responds, " “I might keep it, but this one [gesturing to his right arm] I got to take off. I was young when I got these tattoos.”